Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Introducing Princess Lizzie!!!

Hey all,
Sorry for the delay in posting but Laura wanted me to stay with her last night. She is doing very well. She got up this morning and got shower on her own and got dressed. She really wanted to get out of the hospital gown. The Doc said that if she wanted she could go home this afternoon if she is feeling good.
Now to the PRINCESS!

She was born at about 4:15 PM March 6th.

7 Pounds, 20 Inches.

Unlike our other 2 kids, she was born with hair. Everything about her seems to be different than the other 2. She has brown hair and blue eyes. We'll see if that sticks. She is very quiet and has the hiccups alot. She started nursing about 30 minites after she was born. Now for the pics!!

Porter and Riley got to come up to the hosspital last night to see thier new sister. When we called Porter he started yelling to his friends, "SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE ME!!!". Riley was estatic and just kept hovering over her. Her first words about Lizzie were, "Look at her tiny fin-----gers. Look at her toooes!!"

This is Dr. Benton. He has delivered and taken care of all our kids. He is a good friend and has prayed and fretted over Laura and this Lizzie for the past year. He had an emergency surgery he had to take care of and was not there to catch Lizzie. He was very upset, but we're counting this one his as well. We all love Dr. Benton!


KT said...

We love you precious Lizzy and can't wait to see you!

Uncle Joey, Aunt Katie and Nadine

Anonymous said...

What a little cutie pie!

Sarah said...

OH,my. I love her already. She is beautiful.

Adaline said...
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Adaline said...

Congrats! What is her full name?
Love you guys,

Christopher said...


Anonymous said...

OK, I'm crying right now...I didn't even know she was born! You had a shower I didn't know about...this is too much for me! I'll come visit all soon, if you don't already have too many people in your house. How did I not know about this!? Congratulations guys, love to you all!