Friday, March 30, 2007

Porter the Paparazzo

Some recent finds on the camera

I don't even want to know
The view from the couch

Showing off his sister's handiwork

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Wrath of the Lizzie!!!!!!

Tonight, Laura and I are making Lizzie sleep in her room. She is in her bouncy seat so that the princess may be inclined. Her royal highness does NOT like to be laid flat! However, Dad recieved a grim notice from the slumbering diva. She was not pleased with having to sleep away from mom and dad.

Wakin' up is hard to do

At our house, once they are asleep, you could send a marching band through their room and they wouldn't wake up.
Things we have done in their room while they are asleep:
1) Clean- I'm talking about vacuuming, picking up blocks, putting up clothes in their dresser. Anything really.
2) Re-hang a picture- hard to believe but true
3) Have a normal conversation at normal voice volume. We've had people over before that want to see the kids after they've gone to sleep and they can't believe how you can stand their and talk and they don't even move.
Lizzie's proving to be much the same way- I vacuumed UNDER her pack and play while she was sleeping in it the other day and she didn't flinch. If only they were this calm when they were awake. . . I'll keep dreaming.

In case you forget what you named all your kids. . .

. . . invest in some of these t-shirts. Not only does it help ME remember their names, it helped our new 12 year old neighbor learn all the names in no time flat. And this kid spoke Spanish! So, monograms really do have more than just one use.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Papa and Nana. . . and a VAN!

Brice's dad arrived safely Friday night bearing baby presents, birthday presents for Riley, and perhaps most importantly, our new van! Yes, we've made that all important transition into the world of minivans. Brice's dad and stepmom found this van for us in Florence, AL, and we bought the thing sight unseen! So it was good to finally see our new wheels and the kids were very excited over the flip down movie screen. Riley even got a new coloring table that she's thinking about sharing with Porter. We had a fun weekend with Papa and Nana!

A visit from Mr. Ernie

Lizzie got her middle name from our dear friend Mrs. Jane Hoffman who passed away last year. She was a huge influence on our lives, and very dear to our children, so we wanted to honor her! Her husband, Mr. Ernie, got to come visit Lizzie last week, and it was so special. Mr. Ernie does NOT normally hold babies, so Lizzie should feel very special to have this picture on record.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

In case you forget what you named your kid. . .

. . . these little monogrammed onesies sure come in handy. A friend at church made Porter, Riley and Lizzie some matching white threads with their names handily printed on the front. . . just in case we mix them up. Here's Lizzie sporting hers. Hopefully we'll get a picture of all of them together in all their monogrammed glory soon!

Monday, March 12, 2007


Don't you wish you looked this cute even with an ear infection? Riley displays her talent for striking just the right pose.

Bathtime Rocks

Lizzie had fun during her first real bath today. Check out Porter assisting on the belly-button cleanup! Lizzie is also sporting a new frog bathrobe that Cousin Nadine sent her! Thanks Nadine!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Elizabeth Jane Young

For those of you who have been asking, that is Lizzie's full name. In our rush to get the initial pictures up, we neglected to announce her official name! Lizzie and I came home from the hospital Wednesday night! It was so good to be home and the kids were about to burst to have their sister here. They have been really good adjusting to having a new sister and learning how to hold her. Porter is a natural-he is so gentle with her and would hold her all day if I would let him. Riley loves her new sister to death but is a little more interested in what she is wearing and making sure her socks match, so we're relieved to know Lizzie will always have an in-home stylist at her beck and call. My mom has been here since her birth, and my dad got here today, so the kids are really glad to have KK and Poppy here! Riley is excited to have her sister at home for her birthday tomorrow, and we're all trying to enjoy the hectic state of our home. Here are some long promised new pictures!

Porter teared up shortly after this picture
The Atkinson girls visiting Lizzie
KK and Poppy with a full lap
Porter and good friend Lily Stayer-we'll bribe them with this one later in life, for sure

Riley and Lizzie love to cuddle

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Introducing Princess Lizzie!!!

Hey all,
Sorry for the delay in posting but Laura wanted me to stay with her last night. She is doing very well. She got up this morning and got shower on her own and got dressed. She really wanted to get out of the hospital gown. The Doc said that if she wanted she could go home this afternoon if she is feeling good.
Now to the PRINCESS!

She was born at about 4:15 PM March 6th.

7 Pounds, 20 Inches.

Unlike our other 2 kids, she was born with hair. Everything about her seems to be different than the other 2. She has brown hair and blue eyes. We'll see if that sticks. She is very quiet and has the hiccups alot. She started nursing about 30 minites after she was born. Now for the pics!!

Porter and Riley got to come up to the hosspital last night to see thier new sister. When we called Porter he started yelling to his friends, "SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE ME!!!". Riley was estatic and just kept hovering over her. Her first words about Lizzie were, "Look at her tiny fin-----gers. Look at her toooes!!"

This is Dr. Benton. He has delivered and taken care of all our kids. He is a good friend and has prayed and fretted over Laura and this Lizzie for the past year. He had an emergency surgery he had to take care of and was not there to catch Lizzie. He was very upset, but we're counting this one his as well. We all love Dr. Benton!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Ain't No Party Like a Pink Princess Party. .

. . . cause a pink princess party don't stop. Well, Riley's party did have to come to an end, but she could have played with her friends all day! Her third birthday is next Saturday, so we celebrated early with a party that (hopefully) lived up to her specifications. Pink food, pink presents, pink drinks, pink balloons. . . she even made Porter and Daddy wear pink, although Porter quickly took advantage of the fact that the girls were playing dress-up and changed into his Superman outfit. Here she is on her pink horse waiting for her friends to arrive. Happy Birthday Riley!

She was one pooped party girl!