Friday, January 18, 2008

Time Travel

Most of these pictures are from the past month or so, but I thought it was worth it to go back in time!! Check out the vicious light-saber war that took place on our Poppy and KK Christmas morning! And on actual Christmas morning, the kids posed with Dad with one of his presents. It's a shadow box with their name t-shirts. Check out how small Lizzie's one-sie was just a few months ago! She couldn't fit her big toe in it now. And, Porter has figured out how to give Riley a piggy back ride!


Jessica QW said...

I love the pictures on your wall by the couch! BTW, I do check your blog!!! This kids look like they really enjoy each other. I can't wait to see that as mine get older.

ragan said...

Thats so weird that Jessica mentioned the pictures on the wall above the couch. That was the first thing I noticed when I looked at that picture. I like them too. I wish I could get my act together and do something like that. I mean, good grief, as many pictures as I take, I might as well do something cool with them ;-)