Monday, June 9, 2008

Kid Sister

Those of you that know Riley know that this is what she dreamed of when we told her she'd be having a sister. About a year ago when Lizzie was just a few months old Riley begged me to put her in dress up. Since then, she hasn't had much luck with her dress-up buddy. Until today.


Laurin said...

ummmm....too precious!

Molly said...

what little cuties you have. it is fun to see the pictures of the two girls growing up together. miss you guys.

Kathy said...

they are the cutest things I've ever seen. so precious.

Stacey said...

so, so cute! You must have so much fun with those two!

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe little Lizzie is old enough to play dress-up. And I've only seen her once!