Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Baby's First

Lizzie has had lots of firsts lately. First attempts at crawling, first fever. And along with this fever came first diarhea, which prompted us to try out first bath in the bath tub without a baby seat.


Laurin said...

Such sweeties :). Poor Lizzie! Hope she feels better soon...Savannah too is experiencing her first fever. :*(

Kathy said...

well she looks just like her brother in that picture- little doll. looks like big sister helped a lot.
glad she's better,

Anonymous said...

so THAT's what happened after we got off the phone yesterday! Yes, you are right, that is awfully cute. Am hoping she has finally gone to sleep!!!

Robin Stevens said...

I love the freedom that comes when they can take a bath in the tub without the baby seat! But I am so sorry for the reason she had to have it. Hope she feels better very soon! We missed you in Starkville this past weekend.