Friday, February 29, 2008

Sister Act

Riley really wants to dress Lizzie. This is what happens.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Criss Cross gonna make you wanna....

jump, jump! Or in this case, party, party! Check out Porter at a "backwards party" this Saturday. Everything was backwards, including the invitation, which was actually kind of hard to read. But it was a really cute party. kids that lost the games won the prizes, and they even had to drink backwards.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Working Hard, Hardly Working

Riley says I never put pictures up of her school work. That's because it doesn't feel like we're even working on anything when I sit down with her. The kid's got a knack for making everything feel like fun. Case in point, "Mama, this sure is a cute letter F." She makes it look easy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today at 5:22 PM I lost my first tooth. It was kinda cool. It was kinda scary. I don't know. Love, Porter

Friday, February 8, 2008

Baby Mozarts

There's really no way to explain the cuteness of what went on while these pictures were taken. Let's just say Lizzie made her way over to the piano, realized she could reach the keys, and started singing. Cute just doesn't describe it.